What's Going On?
Here is a surprisingly cogent, and surprisingly scathing, critique of Sicko from, of all people, MTV's Kurt Loder.
To use P.J. O'Rourke's much-quoted bon mot yet another time: "if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free".
To use P.J. O'Rourke's much-quoted bon mot yet another time: "if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free".
Good article. The two word slap of "proud socialist" hits the nail on the head.
MRPIGG, at 4:30 PM
I haven't seen the film. Maybe health care isn't all that important; the current crop of Presidential aspirants give it lip service at best and the media certainly don't seem to talk about it much.
There is that pesky polling result that people keep saying it is very important to them--often right behind our glorious triumph in Iraq--but what do they know?
Moore is talking about it. Did he make a fair objective documentary? Probably not. Maybe Loder can continue to provide the insight into America's political problems--if any--by making other such obvious points.
Either of the Gressis brothers could have written most of his review without having seen the movie.
--Proud socialist
Anonymous, at 5:08 PM
#2, #6, same difference. Whichever you need it to be.
Two places above "morality". I can't imagine a better world that the Government having total control over health care and morality.
If only we had a very charismatic leader with a snazzy mustache and a knack for getting things done to spearhead that for us.
Mikey Y, at 8:04 PM
Dueling polls:
I said "people keep saying it is very important to them--often right behind our glorious triumph in Iraq." I hardly said always second, nver sixth, although the above poll (admittedly a year old) confirms the what I said originally.
"If only we had a very charismatic leader with a snazzy mustache and a knack for getting things done to spearhead that for us."
You mean Hillary?
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM
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