Bond Movie
Just saw the new Bond prequel.
He dies in the end.
Seriously, the first hour was good; the last five or six were significantly weaker.
He dies in the end.
Seriously, the first hour was good; the last five or six were significantly weaker.
That's a much shorter blog than I was planning on the subject, but I did make a prediction that I have to follow up on.
But more or less, you're right.
Mikey Y, at 10:07 PM
Not interested mostly because there are no gadgets.
Nerd = Me!
Puttin, at 12:13 AM
Well, Keith. If you call a portable defibrilator in the glove-box "no" gadgets, then I don't know what I can tell you.
Or how about a transmitter in the ear?
Or the electronic room key.
BIG, at 8:13 AM
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Puttin, at 12:30 AM
Hmmm… I could be wrong then.
We've got a defibrillator down the hall near the gym at my work. It probably isn't glove-box sized though. I’d have to see it in the movie to gauge its gadget-ness.
I use a Bluetooth Transmitter in my ear every day. Now if we are talking sub-dermal transmitter then that would be a cool Bond gadget.
As for the electronic room key, I have an RFID badge to gets me through a locked door at work every day. I have an electronic fob that gets me in my car each day. Seems like a fairly normal electronic device for today’s standards.
I guess I was hoping for some cool Uber-Tech Spy Gadgets. Something like the following:
Cigarettes that can fire a High Intensity Laser Beam if only for a few seconds.
Cell Phones that let you drive your car via remote.
A car that doubles as a mini-sub.
Rockets that are launched from your car.
I heard rumor there was no session with "Q" in this movie. Perhaps this makes sense given the timeline and the fact that he just earned his 00 status.
I must admit though, sometimes they go too far with the gadgets. The stealth car was very cool but stretched across the boundaries of Spy Tech into Sci-Fi Tech. Cool gadget but you keep getting rear-ended at stop lights.
I should probably see the movie before I judge.
Puttin, at 12:40 AM
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